Friday, December 27, 2013

kismet GPS nano

Wardrive with Backtrack 5 and Android Phone GPS using Kismet After watching this
video and little search from here and there ,I decided to instantly write a
program to make this experiment easier.

kismet GPS nano is simply an application that takes the output file of kismet program,
the nxml file specifically after converting it to csv file processing it to give the user
easier access to networks such as open privacy or WEP encryption, export those result
into a google map links which I noticed that the android smart phones and the app google map
would translate those links to work instantly with GPS navigator unlike the kml and all
that data that come with kml file "just give me the link with the coordinating value and I will navigate you to that location".

Another approach for this program which is very useful is that kismet GPS nano would supply you with the statistics of access points in your area.
e.g a statistics of open access points,a statistics of wep encryption and ESSID statistics.

One of the statistics that I personally believe is important is the ESSID statistics in your area
Have you ever thought if one day you decided to create your own precomputed WPA tables,
what would be the essids associated with them.This program may
help you make up your decision.
If you don’t know what is Precomputed wpa tables,I will suggest that you look that up in thise

To use this program you have to convert the nxml file to csv file
only via meatbitballs python script.I’m going to put a copy of this script
with this program

So first convert the nxml file to scv with Meatballs script

Navigate the CSV file by Open-New Scan

Information of your scan with kismet will be viewed in the upper window.
Automatically all networks will be assigned to an ID number e.g. Network #14 as it shown down in this image.
By this number you will be able to add or remove one network at a time,those are networks that you want to have a Google map link associated with them,the links will be exported in the form of HTML file .

Please note that when you want to remove a network ,right click on the white window at the bottom.Another window will pop out to prompt you for removing one network by its essid and bssid.

Obviously this feature depends on GPS values so this window will be disabled if
there is no GPS values found in your scan.

Please note that by clicking right on anywhere in the pink area it would refresh the information window.
That’s why I made this window in a different color so users can easily remember this.

Export buttons will export the selected networks into Google map links

FILTERS could be used for both exporting links and statistics for (open) and (WEP privacy) access points.
You don’t need a GPS values to list neither (open) nor (WEP privacy)
if we assume that this would be for statistics only.In this case the export button will be disabled and will be enabled with GPS values.

Will give you a statistic of the essids in your area.
Each essid in the list would appear on the left side and the number of it's appearance in this area will be mentioned just beside it

You don’t need a GPS values to use this feature.

You can then send this file directly to your phone and navigate those access points like charm